Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Can you let go?

I think that blogging could be addicting. Do you love to read people's blogs? I guess it's fun because we see into the everyday world of a friend...kind of like you are there with them or on the phone chatting with them. I love it because if I get a free moment during the day, I can check on them. If my husband is hogging the t.v. watching basketball (like now), I can check up on a friend and send a message.

We went to Black-Eyed Pea tonight for Chris' birthday. It was mostly family and a few of our friends. We had three kids there under age might have heard the noise if you live anywhere in Hendersonville! We were in the party room, but I am sure the adults in the restaurant thought the kiddos were at their table! They were digging in this huge gift bag and throwing the tissue paper in the air; it was pretty entertaining and I just let them be. Chris kept giving me that look like should we try to control them, but what harm were they really doing? I was proud of myself for not even stressing over it. Ava even ate without the throw away bib...Go Mommy:)! I am really trying to let some things go. Do I really have to come home from work everyday and straighten up the house and make sure the dishwasher is loaded. I am trying to just play more and let go. Why is that so hard for some of us? We all work all day, whether we are at home with our kids or outside the home. Then at the end of the day when we should be able to enjoy our kids and husbands, we just continue to find things to do. Most of my "things" are not that important when I really stop and think about it... my relationship with Jesus and loving on Chris and Ava are what's important. Who cares if I don't get the weeble family back in their place they really care???:)

I hope you have a great day tomorrow! Here's to letting go!



Unknown said...

Cool--you are so up to date w/your blog site! Thanks for inviting me to the par-teh last night--it was fun.

Tina Mayo said...

You are so right, I have come a long way myself since before kids to 1 kid to now 2 kids--there isn't enough time in the day to do it all anyway, so now I just do what has to be done--don't get me wrong every now and then I start cleaning like I am nesting again but then I look up and watch Bishop-- and guess what he is doing--cleaning I gave him part of my OCD I think. I clean mommie I clean--cracks me up--love the blog--I bookmarked ya.

Anonymous said...

YAY!! I love this! I'm glad your blogging again. I can't believe how big she is getting. So adorable. I can't wait to see her in a month and half. I love you Jenn and miss ya!
Give the other two a hug for me.